Domination and the Arts of Resistance
FormatHäftad (Paperback / softback)
FörfattareJames C Scott
FörlagYale University Press
Antal sidor269

Häftad (Paperback / softback) • 1992-08-01

Domination and the Arts of Resistance

av James C Scott

  • ISBN: 9780300056693
  • Upplaga: 2
  • Format: Häftad (Paperback / softback)
  • Publiceringsår: 1992-08-01
  • Förlag: Yale University Press
  • Antal sidor: 269
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Domination and the Arts of Resistance

Boken Domination and the Arts of Resistance släpptes år 1992 och är skriven av James C Scott.

Den består av 269 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Yale University Press.

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"A splendid study, surely one of the most important that has appeared on the whole matter of power and resistance."-Natalie Zemon Davis Confrontations between the powerless and powerful are laden with deception-the powerless feign deference and the powerful subtly assert their mastery. Peasants, serfs, untouchables, slaves, laborers, and prisoners are not free to speak their minds in the presence of power. These subordinate groups instead create a secret discourse that represents a critique of power spoken behind the backs of the dominant. At the same time, the powerful also develop a private dialogue about practices and goals of their rule that cannot be openly avowed. In this book, renowned social scientist James C. Scott offers a penetrating discussion both of the public roles played by the powerful and powerless and the mocking, vengeful tone they display off stage-what he terms their public and hidden transcripts. Using examples from the literature, history, and politics of cultures around the world, Scott examines the many guises this interaction has taken throughout history and the tensions and contradictions it reflects.

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